How the Squarepaste Logo Was Made

Have you ever wondered how our logo was made? It’s a cool story! We’re gonna take a few minutes to tell you about it.

Squarespace, copy and paste.

So, the first question is how we came up with our name. It has a lot to do with the logo. As you can probably tell, Squarespace is our idol and without them, there is no us. The name Squarepaste is a play on the term “copy and paste”, because our plugins provide code that can be copied and pasted. Clever, right?

Company name established, now the logo.

Once opening Adobe Illustrator, there was an intense and short moment of looking at the keyboard and exclaiming “That’s it!”. As frequent MacBook users, we press the command key (it looks like this ⌘) for copying and pasting all types of functions. Therefore, we illustrated that key’s symbol, flipped it 45 degrees and customized a few lines to come up with the lovely logo symbol for Squarepaste. As our customers solely perform this copy and paste action after purchasing a plugin, the command key symbol’s perfectly fitting for our company.

Thank you for tuning in on this episode of How It Was Made, we hope you had a great time.


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